2CN-CLab Working Days “Iberoamerican Cultural Charter”

In order to continue the 2CN-CLab Working Days about the Iberoamerican Cultural Charter (ICC), initiated in May 2018 in Portugal, the Observatory of Policies on Communication and Culture – through the Communication and Society Research Centre -, the Organization of Ibero-American States and the Casa de América Latina, invite cultural professionals interested in this document for a work day at the Casa de América Latina on October 25th.

At the 2CN-CLab Working Days, a group of twenty participants will meet for one day to critically analyze and discuss the ICC and, on the other hand, to try to identify affinity points that, from their practices and of the spirit of ICC and 2CN-CLab, contribute to the create or consolidate of networked cultural projects in a local, Portuguese or Iberoamerican contexts.

After the 2CN-CLab Working Days, will be promoted meetings online to support the creation of possible projects that may arise; and, on the other hand, to organize a Meeting in Portugal in December 2018 to present and discuss the practical cases of networked cultural projects conceived in Portugal from the ICC.

More information can be access on the 2CN-CLab website.

For any questions, please, contact 2cn.clab@gmail.com.