4th International Seminar on “Quality of Life”

The University of Minho, through the Communication and Society Research Center (CECS), the Institute of Social Sciences (ICS) and the spin-off QualityAlive, held on October 13 and 14, the 4th International Seminar on “Quality of Life – policies, instruments and practices”, that will be held on the B1 auditorium (Pedagogical Complex II) of the campus of Gualtar, in Braga.

The event will analyze the quality of life of clients, people cared for and employees or caregivers. The last day is also dedicated to workshops. Private social solidarity institutions (IPSS) will also be approached as important providers of social services in the context of targeted responses such as replacing or complementing household intervention with citizens affected by some form of autonomy deficit and how they ensure this public service and play a relevant role in the tertiarization of society.

The program includes the interventions of Ivo Domingues, Glória Gonçalves, Hernani Neto, Matilde Alexandra Rodrigues, Maria Manuela Vilar, Maria Angeles Alcedo Rodriguez, Laura E. Gomez, Lucia Morán, Sérgio Sampaio Bezerra, Luísa Martins Fernandes, Carlos Veloso da Veiga, Paula Campos Pinto, Fernando Fontes, Vanda Ribeiro, Inês Sá, Carla Melo, Maria João Vieira, Goreti Ferreira, Nuno Cunha, Cristina Almeida, Isa Carvalho, Ana Fernandes, Lino da Silva Maia, Manuel de Lemos, Julieta Sanches and Mário Pereira.

Complete information, here