Seven CECS Ph.D. researchers were among the 21 candidates who obtained Ph.D. grants from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the panel: Communication and Information Sciences.
Approved projects deal with diverse themes, with space to investigate issues such as the mediatization of migration, identity narratives in a postcolonial context, national identity since the April revolution through the cinema, Music Culture and Musicians in the 21st century, the creation of an online space for journalistic information for young people, representations, experiences and practices in Palliative Care, as well as radio as a promoter of an active life.
21 scholarships were awarded. There were 75 researchers from across the country. CECS researchers won 7. The remaining 14 scholarships were won by researchers from the University of Aveiro (4), the University of Porto (3), the New University of Lisbon (3), the University of Coimbra (1), the ISCTE -IUL (1), the Open University (1) and the Open University of Catalonia (1).
More information here.