The book A Internacionalização das Comunidades Lusófonas e Ibero-Americanas de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. O caso das Ciências da Comunicação [The Internationalization of Lusophone and Ibero-American Communications of Human and Social Sciences is available. The case of Communication Sciences, whose organization belongs to Moisés de Lemos Martins and has the stamp of Edições Húmus/CECS. It arose following the Second Ibero-American Congress of Communication Sciences, held betwin April 13 and 16’2014 at the University of Minho and, according to Moisés de Lemos Martins, “had no other course (…) to reinforce and develop the purposes that animated the creation of Confibercom and (…) to honor two of its main workers, the Brazilian Professor José Marques de Melo, and the Portuguese Professor, José Manuel Paquete de Oliveira: to discuss scientific policies and to counter the hegemonic model of doing science, a model that extinguishes us both by the language in use and by the scientific paradigm that are imposed to us” (“Por uma Comunidade Científica, Policentrada e Polifacetada, uma Comunidade com sentido humano” [For a Scientific Community, Polycentric and Multifaceted, a community with a human sense], pp. 11-15).
The Lusophone and Ibero-American space refers to a diversity of cultures and communities, which are expressed in two languages, Portuguese and Spanish, two languages, because they are based on culture, thought and knowledge, contribute to the construction of this transnational and transcontinental space, contradicting the vision of a monocolor and globalized world, hegemonicly spoken in English. The Communication Sciences of Lusophone and Ibero-American countries have a responsibility, at the same time scientific, strategic, political and civic, to compete for the construction of the Lusophone and Ibero-American research community of Communication Sciences, doing a work of culture, of thought and knowledge. By interrogating in Portuguese and Spanish the ways in which in the different countries of the Lusophone and Ibero-American space scientific interaction is produced and knowledge is produced, the Communication Sciences build their own scientific community and compete for the international affirmation of the Human and Social Sciences Social, who are called together to make community and work of knowledge.
(On the back cover)
Book technical sheet
Title: Cibercultura: A Internacionalização das Comunidades Lusófonas e Ibero-Americanas de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. O caso das Ciências da Comunicação.
Organization: Moisés de Lemos Martins
Book cover: António Modesto
1st edition: 2017, November
Legal deposit: 434342/17
ISBN: 978-989-755-306-6
354 pp.