Alexandra Figueira defends PhD in Communication Sciences

The doctoral exams in Communication Sciences by Alexandra Figueira will be held on March 5 (2:30 p.m.), in the ICS (Social Sciences Institute) Sala de Atos of the University of Minho, in Braga. The thesis is supervised by Teresa Ruão and Paulo Mourão (UMinho School of Economics and Management), and is entitled “Levelling the score: Study of Organizational Communication as a contributor to sustainability of strategic partnerships between charities and corporations ”.

The panel of examiners will be chaired by Helena Sousa president of the ICS, and is composed of the following members:

– José António Cadima Ribeiro (Full Professor at Department of Economics, UMinho School of Economics and Management);
– Teresa Ruão (Senior Lecturer at UMinho’s Communication Sciences Department- Institute of Social Sciences, and CECS investigator);
– Vasco Ribeiro (Lecturer at University of Porto, Department of Communication and Information Sciences, Faculty of Letters);
– Helena Pires (Lecturer at UMinho’s Communication Sciences Department- Institute of Social Sciences, and CECS investigator);
– Eduardo Duque (Lecturer at Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Portuguese Catholic University, Regional Center of Braga and CECS investigator)