The seminar “Cancer, art and science? How to find / create links between personal experience, culture and research”, with Susana Noronha, will take place on November 14 at 6:00 pm in room 2.07 of CP2.
Crossing the results of a research trilogy conducted between 2006 and 2018, the researcher shares strategies to find/create links between experiences and personal interests, culture and research. Taking examples from his work, a series of research on the experience, art, and material culture of cancer, we will follow the process leading to a thematic choice, from the typology of data collected to the methodologies used, from field work to concept creation and theories, from conception of a project to writing and dissemination/publication of results.
Using the experience gained in her masters, doctorates and postdoctoral studies as a “theoretical manual”, the researcher demonstrates how to put together and use “who we are” and “what we do” to think and broaden our work in science.
The seminar comes within the scope of the Master in Communication, Art and Culture and has free admission.
More information here.