CECS is now part of the University of Minho Working Group on Research Data Management

Following an invitation by SDUM, the University of Minho (UM) Documentation Services, and the UM Vice-Dean for Research Rui L. Reis, Communication & Society Research Centre is now part of a 8 institutions Working Group that will hand, by the end of the upcoming July, to António Cunha, the University of Minho Dean, several recommendations on Research Data Management (RDM). According to SDUM, this Working Group “is based upon the identification of communities that can help in the definition on policies towards data management among researchers and data curators”.

This is a general guideline put forward by the European Commission, the H2020 projects and OpenAIRE (the European network for institutional repositories), as the new challenges in the open access scope are strongly related with data collaboration, preserving and posting them to reinforce the credibility of science and foster new studies.

Besides CECS, the Working Group is joined by the Biological Engineering Research Centre, Life Sciences and Health Institute, Physics Centre, 3B’s Research Centre, Psychology Research Centre, the Political Economy Research Centre and Algoritmi Research Centre.

Text: Fábio Ribeiro