Between November 19 and 27, Science and Technology Week 2022 is celebrated nationally. The Communication and Society Research Centre participates in the initiative with two activities: “Feeding (the) con-science” and “Science at school: exploring the territory and its dynamics”.
On November 23, at 10 am, researcher Cynthia Luderer will start the scientific tour to raise awareness among young university students of the different communicational strategies evoked around the food market. “Feeding (the) con-science” is a programmed itinerary highlighting the different typologies in the catering sector installed near the University of Minho on the Campus of Gualtar.
The second activity, organized by Pedro Chamusca, is scheduled for November 24, at 11 am, in Colégio do Minho (Viana do Castelo). “Science at school: exploring the territory and its dynamics” is an activity aimed at secondary school students, in which different methodologies of representation and territorialization of these changes are explored. From the collection of information to its mapping and presentation, the students develop and research the school’s environment, producing a small website for communication and dissemination.
More information, here.