The VII Doctoral Conference in Communication and Cultural Studies, organized by the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) of the University of Minho, will take place on October 14 and 15, 2019, at the campus of Gualtar, Braga.
The 7th Doctoral Conference calls doctoral and postdoctoral students in Communication and Cultural Studies to share experiences, questions, advances or results related to their projects.
We give preference to communications addressing the formulation and discussion of theoretical issues and to the design of methodologies. The communication proposals should be articulated with the research areas developed in the CECS, namely:
• Media and Journalism: transformations in the digital environment; reconfiguration of the communication ecology; citizenship and democratic participation;
• Cultural Studies: technoscience, representations, discourses, visuals, cultures and aesthetic expressions; lusophony, environment, gender, science communication;
• Communication, Organizations and Social Dynamics: strategic communication; reflective societies; social inclusion; societal challenges.
The Doctoral Conference aims to give visibility and strengthen the research work developed in the fields of Communication Sciences and Cultural Studies, to provide spaces for dialogue and debate, to enable the exchange of experiences and constructive critical evaluation. It is open to the participation of all and invites, in particular, the academic community linked to the fields of Communication and Cultural Studies.
In addition, the students, who are expected to participate actively and constructively, will contribute to the debate and critical scrutiny researchers and researchers of the CECS with work developed in the proposed themes, as well as those responsible for the scientific guidance of doctoral and postdoctoral projects.
The Doctoral Conference will comprise two days with morning and afternoon debate panels and a conference. Each communication will be assigned 15 minutes, with 10 minutes for discussion and comments.
Abstracts, with approximately 600 words, should be sent in Word format for until July 6. They shall include in the body of the electronic message, but not in the summary, data relating to the personal identification and institutional affiliation of the applicant or scientific advisor and its electronic addresses.
All abstracts will be submitted to the scientific committee of the Conference and classified according to the academic merit and relevance in relation to the themes and objectives of the Conference. The communication of acceptance will be made until September 16.
The full text of selected communications, formatted according to standards to be disclosed in a timely manner, should be sent by November 12. As in previous editions, full texts, after being submitted to blind peer review, will be published in the CECS e-books.
For any further information, please contact: