Call for papers for the VII International Congress on Cultures

Call for papers extended until 10 October.

The Network of Universities dedicated to the study of Cultures is an important initiative to promote debate, research and activities in culture. One of these initiatives is the International Congress on Cultures, promoted annually by one of the universities members of the Network (Brazil, Mozambique and Portugal). November 2021 will bring the seventh meeting hosted online, as in the previous edition, on account of the travel restrictions and public health protocols due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

This modality will allow, once again, broad participation, adding capillarity and diversity to the VII International Congress on Cultures. Under the topic “RE-ENCHANTING CULTURES”, the congress will address the numerous social, political, economic, communicational, technological and health processes impacting culture, which, in turn, it stimulates.

For further information, click here.

[Posted: 03-09-2021]