[Deadline extension] Call for papers for the X Doctoral Conference of the CECS

The X Doctoral Conference, organised by the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) of the University of Minho, will be held on November 9 and 10, at the Gualtar campus, Braga. The organising board invites PhD students and recent PhD researchers (up to one year) in Communication Sciences, Cultural Studies, Sociology and Geography to submit a proposal reflecting on “Research Challenges in Social Sciences: the Social and scientific relevance in PhD projects”.

Thus, each student or recent PhD student may submit a paper proposal, to raise debate on one or more of the following questions, based on their experience:

– How does the PhD project contribute to the advancement of the disciplinary field? How to articulate the state of the art with the methodological procedures to ensure a consistent project? To what extent is the project innovative and does it fill gaps in existing scientific knowledge?

– What are the expected social impacts of the project? What is the value of the project results for different communities (schools, social or health institutions, citizens in general, etc.) How to address the complexity of measuring relevance in social research? How can the results of the work influence public policy decision-making at different levels (local, regional, national, and international)?

– What are the main ethical challenges emerging from research? What ethical safeguard procedures and mechanisms can be mobilised in the articulation of the project?

– What challenges are presented in terms of the dissemination of the doctoral work? What communication strategies can be defined with peers and the scientific community? How can content be adapted to different audiences?

The X Doctoral Conferences aim to strengthen the research work developed at CECS at the doctoral level, providing spaces for dialogue and debate, where participants can gather new contributions to their project. They also aim to enable the exchange of experiences and constructive critical evaluation. The Days are open to everyone, although they invite in particular the academic community linked to the fields of Social Sciences that integrate the CECS. In addition to students, from whom active and constructive participation is expected, CECS researchers with work developed on the proposed themes, as well as those responsible for the scientific guidance of doctoral and post-doctoral projects, will contribute to the debate and critical scrutiny.

The X Conference will comprise two days with panels of papers in the morning and afternoon, a round table and a conference. Each paper will be allocated 15 minutes, with 10 minutes for discussion and comments. Practical workshops on personal and professional skills relevant to the research process are also planned.

Abstracts, between 400 and 500 and 3 to 5 keywords, signed by the students and their supervisors, should be sent in Word format to jornadascecs@ics.uminho.pt by October, 6 (previously, September, 22). They must include in the body of the electronic message, but not in the abstract, data concerning the personal identification and institutional affiliation of the proposer(s) and scientific advisor(s), as well as their e-mail addresses.

All abstracts will be submitted to the scientific committee of the conference and classified according to their academic merit and relevance to the themes and objectives of the conference. Acceptance communication will be made by October, 10.

The texts of the selected communications, formatted according to standards to be disclosed in due course, may be published in the minutes of the spaces defined for this in the different scientific platforms of CECS (Communitas, MilObs, Passeio, PolObs).

In parallel, participants will also be able to submit a proposal to present the relevance of their work (in a flexible format: poster, video, video script, podcast, digital/informatics application) to compete for the Impact Award, which aims to recognise the social and/or scientific relevance of a PhD project. In addition to the written support, which will be exhibited during the days of the Conference, participants must prepare a 2-minute pitch to be presented to the Jury of the award at a specific moment in the programme.

For any further clarification, please contact: elsa.silva@ics.uminho.pt

“Prémio Impacto” for PhD students and recent PhD researchers

Applications for the “Prémio Impacto” are open until 24 October 2023.

The aim of this award is to recognise the social and/or scientific relevance of doctoral projects, thus seeking to stimulate scientific research in the Social Sciences.

Applications for this prize must be in the areas of Communication Sciences, Cultural Studies, Sociology and Geography. PhD students or recent PhD researchers (up to 1 year), registered for the X Jornadas Doutorais and with an approved paper, are eligible to apply. Submissions should be made by email to jornadascecs@ics.uminho.pt.

The prize jury is made up of five PhDs and will be chaired by Professor Teresa Ruão.

The winner of the “Prémio Impacto” will be announced at the closing session of the Jornadas and will receive a diploma, along with a voucher for the purchase of a cultural/technological product.

More information can be found in the competition rules available here.

[Posted: 27-07-2023 | Modified: 11-10-2023]