Series of Conferences and Round Tables “The Silence of the Earth” – Session 6: “Crossings: literature, collection and museums

The sixth session of the Series of Conferences and Round Tables “Interpellations based on The Silence of the Earth. (Post)colonial visualities intersected by Diamang’s archive” will occur on June 25, at 3 p.m.

The session “Crossings: literature, collection and museums” will have the participation of Alda Costa (Eduardo Mondlane University/CECS), Lurdes Macedo (Lusófona University/CECS), Matheus Pereira (ICS-University of Lisbon), Branca Clara das Neves (Angolan writer), José Luís Mendonça (writer and journalist) and Roberto Vecchi (University of Bologna). The session will be moderated by Luís Cunha (ICS-UM/CRIA) and João Sarmento (ICS-UM/CECS).

The promotion of this cycle is an initiative of the Laboratory of Landscape, Heritage and Territory (Lab2PT), the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS), the Interdisciplinary Centre for Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA.UMinho) and the Research Network Centre in Anthropology (CRIA-UMinho).

The session will have a hybrid format, taking place in person at the ICS Hall of Acts, via Zoom and with broadcasting on Facebook.

[Posted: 18-06-2021]