Colloquium “Intergenerationality, Media and Education”

The media experience occurs within the cultural environments of people (Colombo & Fortunati, 2011), an idea that is associated with belonging to a group or generation. Media experiences can shape a social construction of a “generational identity” that derives from appropriations of the media and digital media. However, in a logic of individualization of communication, it is possible to equate that “generational contexts” and “generational identities” flow in unmediated media experiences.

In the hybrid perspective that characterizes the current media ecosystem, uses and consumptions are not necessarily generational but rather intergenerational (Bolin & Skogerbø, 2013). Digital emphasizes the “global generation” (Aroldi & Colombo, 2007). In the current context, media education needs to incorporate an intergenerational approach in critical reflection on the influence that new uses and media consumption have on society.

The call for communications to the colloquium “Intergenerationality, Media and Education”, held at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra on April 30, 2019, takes on the challenge of reflecting on intergenerationality in the context of media and education. Contributions in various fields of this thematic axis will be accepted. What are the proposals and theoretical reflections to think about generational relations and the various media? Do the media take an intergenerational perspective? Are media uses and consumptions derived from generational contexts? Do media and digital competencies create generational barriers? What are the contributions of generational and intergenerational approaches to media education?

Submission of abstracts
Abstracts should be sent by March 10 in Word document format to the e-mail and include the following information:
• Name of the Authors
• Institutional affiliation
• Title of proposal
• Summary (max 500 words) plus five keywords
• Biography of each author (max 150 words)

Important dates
Fees for abstracts: Until March 25, 2019
Communication of results: Until April 8, 2019
Application period: Until April 10, 2019
Date of the colloquium: April 30, 2019

Free, but required: