“How to promote the participation of audiences through Strategic Communication?” is the theme of one of the ECREA 2021 pre-conferences, to be held on 6 September.
We live in an era where we are permanently seeking new answers to contemporary environmental, political and social challenges. As producers, receivers, or users, the public has broad access to information and is increasingly exposed to communication and an essential element in this equation.
The public is at the origin of paradigm changes. Therefore it has the power to influence behaviours, individually or being part of organisations. On the other hand, by acting as citizens, the public is simultaneously an agent of change, with a solid capacity to influence decision making.
Given the role of strategic communication, not only for organisations but also for society, the “public” should be considered essential.
By understanding communication as a strategic function with clear objectives to be achieved, a mapping of stakeholders, i.e. working for and with the public, should be had throughout the process. Through strategic communication and based on Public Relations and Advertising actions, it is possible to improve the public’s knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours.
In this context, can strategic communication be understood to increase public participation, taking it on as key a player in a changing environment?
– José Gabriel Andrade, University of Minho
– Ivone Ferreira, Universidade Nova
– Ana Raposo, ESCS – Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon
– Sara Balonas, University of Minho
Sopcom’s Working Group on Organisational and Institutional Communication and Sopcom’s Working Group on Advertising organise the pre-conference in association with ECREA.
The organisation has the support of the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) of the University of Minho, the NOVA Communication Institute (ICNOVA) of the NOVA University of Lisbon and the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences (Sopcom) of ECREA and CreateLab.