The number 31 of the journal Comunicação e Sociedade is already available. This edition, coordinated by Helena Pires(CECS-UMinho), Silvana Mota-Ribeiro(CECS-UMinho) e Anne Beyaert-Geslin (Universidade Bordeaux-Montaigne), is subordinated to the theme “Communication and art”.
“The 31st issue of the journal, Comunicação e Sociedade, is dedicated to the theme ‘Communication and Art’. The present issue, gathers a collection of texts covering a wide array of problematics, approaches and methodologies, that explore a diverse range of modalities and artistic languages, including dance, theatre, the cinema and the visual arts. The cases presented and the different art forms under analysis and reflection, express a cultural polyphony, consisting of a combination of the Portuguese-speaking world and European cultural heritage in general, but also the idiosyncratic characteristics of culture and the arts in Portugal (in interaction with the sphere of inter-culturality). References are made to a significant range of artistic practices, and to the critical thinking fostered by the artistic sector, in articulation with the field of communications”. [Introductory note]
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