Is open the 2018 call for PhD FCT scholarships until 28 march 2018. See more information, here.
For FCT, “scholarships support graduates who comply with the requirements to apply for PhD studies and wish to carry out research towards this degree. The work programme may be entirely or partially carried out in a national institution (national or mixed scholarships, respectively), or in a foreign institution (overseas scholarships). For mixed scholarships, the period of the work programme that takes place in a foreign institution cannot exceed a total of two years. Scholarships are annual, and have a maximum duration of four years. No scholarships are granted for periods of less than three consecutive months”.
CECS invites the submission of expressions of interest for projects that are integrated into their research groups:
– Media and Journalism
– Cultural Studies
– Communication, Organisations and Social Dynamics
IMPORTANT: the submission must happen through the FCT’s platform, constituting the acceptance in the CECS a element to add to the application process, with the purpose of appreciating, in parallel and not in replacement of the opinion/validation of the supervisor, since separate assessment items by the FCT.