Open call for one research master grant

It is now open the process for the admission of 1 vacancie for research master grant (for one year, possibly renewable) based on the CECS – Communication and Society Research Center of the University of Minho, within the framework of the SHARE project – Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the framework of the competition for Research Infrastructures Projects included in the National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures of Strategic Interest and by the FCT through national funds (PIDDAC), AAC Nº 01/SAICT/2016, Application nº 022209 – DATALAB. This call (Refª SHARE – concurso SHARE_BI2017d) is open between 6 and 20 of December, 2017.

Complete information, here