Sound Experiences 2022 Conference

Experiências Sonoras” (Sound Experiences) is the title of the conference to be held on June 27 and 28, at the gnration, in Braga. Organized by the Audire project, the scientific event already has a programme available.

The two-day conference will include sessions for discussion of papers, two plenary sessions, a round table, a workshop, a sound walk through the city of Braga and the presentation of a documentary.

Brandon LaBelle is the guest speaker for the plenary session on the first day and Raquel Castro will be responsible for the second plenary session, titled “Sound art, creativity and public engagement”, on the 28th. The second day of the conference will also include the workshop “Listen with eyes closed” by Luís Antero and the “Space Dystopia” performance by Sofía Balbontin Gallo. At 5 pm, there will be a round table about sound art.

The conference includes a visit to sound art exhibitions by the artists: Alvaro G Diaz-Rodriguez, Fabio Fabbri, Graciela Martínez Matias, Hanna Slattne, Ivo Louro, Jason Murphy, Joana Moher, Jorge Filipe Pinto Ramos, Luís Antero, Luís Luzia, Magdalena Hart, Markus Hetheier, Sara Pinheiro, and Yasmine Moradalizadeh.

Audire – Audio Repository: saving sound memories” is defined as a project that aims to increase social awareness about the relevance of sound as a form of expression and to explore the innovative and creative potential of sound narratives.

[Posted: 15-06-2022]