On 3-4 October 2022, the Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho, will host the International Conference of the EuromediApp project “Governance of Digital Media and Platforms, Regulation and the Public Interest”.
Organized in collaboration with the Euromedia Research Group Network, the conference brings together experienced professors and early-career academics, being open to professionals and citizens concerned with the benefits and challenges of digital platforms in Europe and elsewhere. In addition to the analytical dimensions, this conference provides time and space for reflection on normative issues regarding the future of digital services governance.
The Braga conference is designed around three Thematic Panels and one Round Table. The first two Thematic Panels, on October 3 bring to the fore two ongoing editorial projects: the first one, coordinated by Josef Trappel and Tales Tomaz, pays particular attention to the European Union; the second one, coordinated by Hannu Nieminen, Claudia Padovani and Helena Sousa, focuses on the global framework. Authors involved in the preparation of these Special Issues articles will be debating their research with the conference participants.
On October 4, special attention will be given to the Winter School Manifesto. Assuming a normative approach, the Third Thematic Panel is called ‘Protecting freedom and fundamental human rights. Presenters and discussants will address what is being done at the EU level and beyond, trying to explore how freedom and fundamental human rights can effectively be protected in the wider framework of weak regulation and powerful platforms with their profitable choices and opacities. What is being done in Europe and elsewhere to protect the public interest and with what concrete results? Is there a consistent role for the Public Service in the new digital context?
Finally, the intergenerational Round Table ‘Building peace in face of democratic backsliding’ aims to take further the debates around the Winter School Manifesto. Grounded on previous work, emerging scholars will engage in a conversation with experienced professionals (inside and outside the academy) to reflect on concrete problems regarding the implementation of the Manifesto. The forward-looking debate will attempt to incorporate creative alternatives, and visions of the future, recognizing the realities of disinformation, climate crises and wars, whilst fighting for hope as a moral duty.
The event will be hybrid, with registration through a form.