Conference “Where is our TV going to? 25 years of private TV and 60 years of public service”

In 2017, Private TV celebrates 25 years, and the public television service, 60 years. It is therefore pertinent to discuss “Where is our TV going to?”. This is the theme of the Conference that will be held at ISCTE, Lisbon, at October 4, in the Auditorium B203, organized by Felisbela Lopes (ICS/CECS) and Gustavo Cardoso (ISCTE).

Conference programme:
2:00 pm: What centrality has conquered television?
– Francisco Pedro Pinto Balsemão (SIC)
– Gonçalo Reis, (RTP)
– Rosa Cullell (TVI)
Moderation: Gustavo Cardoso

3:30 pm: What information do we want?
– Paulo Dentinho (RTP)
– Ricardo Costa (SIC)
– Sérgio Figueiredo (TVI)
Moderation: Felisbela Lopes

5:30 pm: What entertainment fits on the TV?
– Cristina Ferreira (TVI)
– Júlia Pinheiro (SIC)
– Nuno Artur Silva (RTP)
Moderation: Nuno Azinheira

The event can be followed via streaming:

– 14h00-17h25:

– 17h30-18h30: