Congress “Digital and Media Literacy: from Research to Education” concludes the COMEDIG project

The final congress of the COMEDIG project reunites national and international experts in education and communication. It aims to promote knowledge sharing and debate the challenges of education and research at a time when digital and media literacy is considered essential for exercising citizenship. The on-site event will take place on June 25, between 9 am and 5 pm, at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra.

The guest speakers are Pierre Fastrez, from the University of Louvain (Belgium), Gabriela Borges, from the University of Algarve (Portugal), Teresa Pombo, a teacher at the Carlos Gargaté School Grouping and collaborator of the National Reading Plan 2027, and Ignacio Aguaded Gómez, from the University of Huelva (Spain). Armanda Matos, the lead researcher of COMEDIG, and the project team will present the results of the studies developed on digital and media literacy in a school context. This link provides the programme of the conference.

The project COMEDIG – Digital and Media Literacy Skills in Portugal is primarily aimed at diagnosing students’ and teachers’ digital and media literacy skills at different school levels. Based on the knowledge produced, it is intended to design educational resources and guidelines for intervention in media education.

Registration is free but mandatory and can be done here until June 21. The COMEDIG congress programme has been accredited by the NOVA ÁGORA Schools Association Training Centre as a short course for early childhood educators and teachers of the first, second and third cycles of basic education and secondary education, with a 5-hour duration.

[Posted: 02-06-2022]