CreateLab calls for an academic debate in Communication

‘Light, Thought, Reflection’. This is the motto of the most recent mobilization campaign of CreateLab, the Innovation and Experimentation agency of CECS.

CreateLab invites all researchers interested in critical analysis (within its line of research) and/or in communicational phenomena to participate in its blog.

The CreateLab blog is proof that you don’t need creativity to connect to this unit: critical thinking and taste for reflection are enough. These can be applied in the following areas: Strategic Communication; Digital Strategies and/or Communication; Advertising; Press Office / Media Relations or other areas of Public Relations; Audiovisual and Multimedia.

Those who want to participate in this experience, can contact CreateLab and request more information about the desired structure (between 700 and 1000 words), suggestions for themes and schedule.

[Posted: 17-02-2023]