Course “From Codes to Senses – The MAXQDA Tool”

The course “From Codes to Senses – The MAXQDA Tool” will be held from April 26 to May 6.

This short course is structured into four two-hour sessions, delivered by Rui Brites and coordinated by Ana Paula Marques. It is an advanced methodological training proposal for post-graduate students, researchers and professionals in the Social Sciences. It aims at developing skills in qualitative data analysis, specifically through the technique of content analysis.

The course will present the various approaches to this technique, methodological steps and strategies to consider, and identify the potential of the MAXQDA software, as a research support tool, in the coding of unstructured data and its digitalisation into theoretically oriented databases.

The trainees are expected to develop MAQDA software skills in developing a research project, data coding and extracting outputs, and triangulating qualitative and quantitative data using MAXQDA software.

Participation in the event is free but subject to registration through the email:, until April 20.

The activity is organised by the Department of Sociology of the University of Minho. It has the support of the Department of Sociology of the Institute of Social Sciences and the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS).

Rui Brites is Guest Associate Professor at ISEG-UL and a Researcher at CIES/ISCTEIUL. He is a PhD in Sociology from ISCTE and has been a university lecturer since 1993. He teaches courses in Research Methods and Techniques and Quantitative Data Analysis with IBM-SPSS and Qualitative Data Analysis with MAXQDA.

Ana Paula Marques is a PhD in Sociology from the University of Minho. She is an Associate Professor with Aggregation in Sociology at the University of Minho. She was part of the General Council of the University of Minho between 2009-and 2017. Ana Paula Marques chaired the MA in Community Policies and Territorial Cooperation and the PhD in Sociology at the University of Minho until 2019. Her research and publication areas have focused on work, higher education, entrepreneurship, professions and gender relations.


April 26 | 7 pm – 9 pm
April 27 | 6 pm – 8 pm
April 5 | 6 pm – 8 pm
May 6 | 6 pm – 8 pm

[Posted: 07-04-2022]