Elections of the CECS Directive Board and Research groups’ chairs

Elections of the Directive Board

In accordance with Article 6 of the Electoral Regulations of the Communication and Society Research Centre, approved by the Institute’s Council on November 7, 2011, the Electoral Book for the election of the Centre’s Directive Board is published, as well as the respective Electoral Calendar.



In accordance with article 12 of the Electoral Regulations of the Communication and Society Research Centre, we make public the only proposition received. We disclose the composition and proposal of List A, candidate to the Directive Commission of the CECS.

We remind you that the elections will take place next May, 12th (Wednesday), in the ICS Meeting Room, between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.

We inform that voters who are outside the University are allowed to vote by mail, provided that they are on recognized service. We remit the instructions for voting by mail, as defined in article 18 of the Electoral Regulations:

– postal voting is allowed for voters who are outside the University, provided they are on recognised service;

– the justification of the absence has to be presented to the President of the Electoral Commission (Sandra Marinho, marinho@ics.uminho.pt) up to twenty-four hours before the election day

– the President of the Electoral Commission will make a list with the identification of the members whose voting by correspondence was requested and accepted

– postal voting ballot papers should be requested from the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission;

– the ballot papers should be sent in individualised envelopes, with the identification of the voting member and the capacity of the member to be elected indicated on the outside, to the Electoral Commission until the beginning of the electoral act.


Assembly for the election of the Research groups’ chairs

In compliance with Article 4 of the Electoral Regulations of the Communication and Society Research Centre, approved by the Institute Council on November 7, 2011, a CECS Assembly will be held, which will take place on May 19, between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm, at the Engineering Auditorium of the University of Minho.

The assembly will have as its sole objective the election of the coordinators of the centre’s groups.

[Posted: 22-03-2021 | Modified: 03-05-2021]