Evandro Oliveira defends PhD in Communication Sciences

The doctoral exams in Communication Sciences by Evandro Samuel Ribeiro dos Santos Oliveira will be held on Octorber 2 (10:0 a.m.), in the ICS (Social Sciences Institute) Sala de Atos of the University of Minho, in Braga. The thesis is supervised by Teresa Ruão, Senior Lecturer at UMinho’s Communication Sciences Department (Institute of Social Sciences), and investigator at CECS, Ansgar Zerfaß, Full Lecturer at Communication Sciens Institute (University of Leipzig), and Helena Sousa, Full Lecturer at UMinho’s Communication Sciences Department (Institute of Social Sciences), and investigator at CECS, and is entitled “The Instigatory Theory of NGO Communication (ITNC)”.

The panel of examiners will be chaired by the ICS president, Helena Sousa, representing UMinho’s dean, and the following members:

– Teresa Ruão

– Ana Melo (Lecturer at UMinho’s Communication Sciences Department – Institute of Social Sciences, and investigator at CECS)

– Gisela Gonçalves (Lecturer at Communication and Arts Department – University of Beira Interior)

– Ana Mafalda Eiró-Gomes (Full Lecturer at Social Communication Superior School – Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon)

– Ansgar Zerfaß

– Günter Bentele (Professor Emeritus at Communication Sciens Institute – University of Leipzig)