The PhD in Cultural Studies at the University of Minho promoted the exhibition of the award-winning film The History of Eternity on February 1, 2019, at 4:00 p.m., in the auditorium of ICS, followed by debate with moderation by Ivna Borges da Costa and participation, via Skype, the director, producer and screenwriter, Camilo Cavalcante.
For the author, The Story of Eternity is a synaesthetic essay on love, desire and dream. All the narrative occurs in the same village with approximately 40 inhabitants in a desert landscape, in a geographic point of northeast Brazil with particular references to time and space. A wild place, where everything happens at a rhythmic pace, inspiring visceral moments within the cycle that repeats itself eternally on the stage of human tragedy.
With soundtrack of Zibgniew Preisnere and Dominguinhos (the last work of a Brazilian music legend that died in 2013) is a fundamental element in the construction of an atmosphere that surrounds the public. The intention is to submerge in the emotion, touching the feelings of the viewer. This film proposes to be an exercise in delicacy, to use cinema as a latent instrument of poetry, with all the implications of this word in the liberating sense, of subversion of reality, of nonconformity with the narrow society that surrounds us.