Open Science

Open Science

Open Science

What CECS researchers need to know

Open Science aims to share knowledge within the scientific community, society, and companies. In this way, it seeks to increase the recognition and the economic and social impact of science.

One of the pillars of Open Science is Open Access.

What does the FCT Open Access policy say about publications?

– Obligatory deposit in open access in RCAAP network repositories: in the case of CECS, the deposit is made at RepositóriUM and reference to CECS is required in the affiliation

– It allows embargo periods, depending on the publication

– Requires reference to FCT financing

– Requires deposit of the final version – published version of the editor, when allowed, or final version of the author accepted for publication. To check the version to be deposited, you can use the Sherpa Romeo tool, but you should always confirm the information on the publisher’s website and/or check the terms agreed with it.

What text should I use to refer to Financing?

Reference to CECS multi-annual funding is always mandatory for all publications by the center’s researchers.

This work is financed by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the project UIDB/00736/2020 (base funding) and UIDP/00736/2020 (programmatic funding).

When the work is also financed by other projects or other entities, references to funding must accumulate, and the researcher must select one of the texts previously proposed according to the existence or not of financial support.

How can I bet on open access?

– choosing a publication that is automatically made available in open access by the editor

– depositing the final version of the publication in an open access repository

Even if the publication is open access, the article must be deposited, to meet the requirements of the funders.

What advantages does this deposit bring to researchers?

– compliance with the requirements of financing entities

– compliance with the requirements of the University of Minho

– greater visibility and potentially greater impact

– knowledge of usage statistics

– digital preservation of your production

– obtaining production lists

– easy integration of information in Ciência Vitae and ORCID

The reference to the CECS in the affiliation is mandatory. Without this, depositing at RepositóriUM will not be allowed.

Why should I bet on the deposit of my data in open access?

A large number of funding entities have been issuing recommendations on the availability of data.

What are the advantages of CECS researchers?

– compliance with funders’ requirements

– increased visibility and impact of research

– possibility of financing and support

– possibility of new collaborations

– greater transparency

– possibility of debate

– potential data reuse

– citation of the data created

– data preservation

What advantages does CECS bring?

– greater visibility of the work of its researchers

– greater transparency

– alignment with FCT recommendations

– alignment with international good practices

What does the FCT Open Data Access policy say?

– encourages researchers to make data resulting from R&D projects available in Open Access databases

– encourages the inclusion of a data management plan and other research results in funding applications

Where can I make my data available in open access?

To make the data available, you can use the Data RepositóriUM.

What is Data RepositóriUM and what is it for?

Data RepositóriUM is the data repository of the University of Minho.

It is a service that seeks to share, publish, and manage research data.

Its mission is:

– deposit files in an organized manner in collections

– preserve those files

– facilitate data availability

– associate reuse licenses

– facilitate the dissemination of research results