III Meeting of Visual Culture:

The III Meeting of Visual Culture, dedicated to the theme “Images between Generations”, will take place on December 5 and 6, at the Lusófona University of Porto. More than a dozen CECS researchers will be involved in this scientific event in panels on digital culture, image, visuals, cinema, memory, among other subjects.

From family portraits to the selfishness of our mobile phones, from soap operas and TV series to social networks, more and more are the images that we consume and produce, from a diversity of experiences and memories, a multiplicity of lifestyles and uses of the media, which deserve to be rethought from the idea of “generations”.

The Visual Culture Meetings are a biennial initiative of the Working Group on Visual Culture of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences and were held for the first time in 2015.

See the full program here.

[Text published on 29-11-2018]