Sara Pereira in the “Portuguese Initiative on Internet Governance”

The CECS researcher, Sara Pereira, participated in the “Portuguese Initiative on Internet Governance”, which took place at September 29, at IAPMEI in Lisbon. She participated in the parallel session 1 (“Is the exercise of full citizenship possible without digital inclusion?”).

The “Portuguese Initiative on Internet Governance” is a national platform for dialogue that brings together social, public and private actors and the society itself at to inform, reflect and debate in an open and interactive way the increasingly relevant issue for national and international scenarios of Internet Governance.

The 2017 edition will be co-organized by ANACOM, APDSI, DNS.PT, FCT, IAPMEI and ISOC Portugal.

The multistakeholder national reflection and the main messages of Portugal that will result from this edition of the Forum will contribute to the world-wide discussion within the framework of National and Regional Initiatives at the 12th IGF in Geneva from 18 to December 21, 2017, under the theme “Shape Your Digital Future!”.

Complete information, here