Manuel Gama, a researcher at the CECS where he is a member of the Cultural Studies Group and is one of the coordinators of the Communication and Culture Policy Observatory, has been designated as an effective specialist of the Commission for Appreciation for the Sustained Support Program in the Theater area (2018-2021), promoted by the Directorate General of Arts of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture.
After a public consultation process started in the first half of 2017, on August 24, 2017, the new model was published in “Diário da República” [The Daily Government], which establishes the State’s financial support system through the Directorate-General for the Arts (DGArtes), entities that carry out professional activities in the areas of visual arts, performing arts and disciplinary crossings. Within the ambit of the referred Decree-Law it is foreseen the constitution of Evaluation Commissions composed of consultants or specialists in the artistic and financial areas. For the constitution of the first appraisal commissions, DGArtes opened, in September 2017, a period for the creation of a Stock Exchange of Consultants and Specialists. After selecting the members considered most appropriate for the function, DGArtes presented to the member of the Government responsible for the area of Culture the proposal of the Commission to Appreciate the Competition for Attribution to the Program of Sustained Support in the area of Theater 2018-2021 that, among others, integrates the researcher Manuel Gama.