PhD in Demography at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Master in Demography at El Colegio de México and Statistics at the University of Brasilia. She is currently a professor at the Department of Statistics (EST / UnB) and the Graduate Program in Development, Society and International Cooperation (Ppgdsci /Ceam /UnB) at the University of Brasilia. She was Director of Studies and Social Policy (Dipos) of the Federal District Planning Company – Codeplan /GDF (2016-2018) and Vice President of the Brazilian Association of Population Studies – Abep – (2017-2018).
She is currently Coordinator of the Population and Development Laboratory of the University of Brasilia (LPD/NEUR/Ceam/UnB) with projects in the area of health and social vulnerability.
Areas of expertise are: Probability and Statistics, Collective Health, Applied Statistics, Population and Demography.