Beatriz Alcaide Gomes Peixoto, PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Minho. Her PhD thesis project is entitled “Study of elective affinities: Nazi propaganda, cultural industry and consumer society”.

She completed her Master’s degree in Communication, Art and Culture at the ICS at the University of Minho in 2021 with the thesis project “Imperialist Dreams: Reflection on Nazi Culture and Mythology” with a mark of 17. She has a degree in Cultural Studies from the School of Arts and Human Sciences (formerly ILCH) at the University of Minho. She is dedicated to the creation of cultural events and projects aimed at promoting Portuguese culture.

In addition, she holds a Customer Success position with a school management platform that aims to promote technological advances in schools. Her areas of interest are mainly German history and culture, consumer societies and mass societies.