Bruno Leal Correia Fonseca (b. 1979) graduated in History from the University of Minho in 2006. He was awarded the School Merit Prize in 2002/2003, 2003/2004 and 2004/2005. He has a Master’s Degree in History (specialising in “Contemporary Worlds”) from the University of Minho.
The theme of the Master’s thesis was “The Cabinet of Political Affairs of the Ministry of Overseas Territories, the Congo-Léopoldville and Angola (1960-1965)”, under the supervision of Francisco Azevedo Mendes (ICS-UMinho, Lab2PT).
He published the article O Gabinete dos Negócios Políticos do Ministério do Ultramar, o Congo-Léopoldville e a questão dos refugiados e mercenários catangueses (1960-1965), in Temas de História Contemporânea.
He is preparing a doctoral thesis on the Mining Research Company in Angola (PEMA) under the Doctoral Programme in History.