PhD in Communication and Semiotics by the Communication and Semiotics program of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), with a research stage at the Food Anthropology program of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.

Luderer does part of two Brazilian research groups, Memória, Comunicação e Consumo (Memory, Communication and Consumption) -Mnemon -, maintained by the ESPM-São Paulo, and the Media Research Group 1 day 7 days, by the PUC-SP. Her research has been focused on cultural issues stressed by media´s spectacle, with a particular interest in the creative process, on discourse analysis, consumption, and memory to understand Carnival Parades and, in particular, the contemporary Gastronomy.

In Brazil, she taught History and was coordinator and professor of hospitality and management courses.