Daniel Escorel is a researcher, manager and cultural producer. He holds a Master’s degree in Development and Cultural Action from the University of Lille, France, and a degree in International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), Brazil, and is currently a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at the University of Minho with a research scholarship from FCT.
He worked as an intern at the Executive Secretariat of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) with the Directorate for Cultural Action and Portuguese Language (DACP). He worked in the production of international film festivals such as É Tudo Verdade – Festival Internacional de Documentários, Festival de Cinema Latino-Americano de São Paulo and a Mostra Internacional de Cinema de São Paulo.
Between 2017 and 2021, he was responsible for institutional and international relations at Associação Cultural Videobrasil. He collaborated in creating artistic residencies and international exhibitions, such as the Sesc_Videobrasil Contemporary Art Biennial and Anthropocene Project: Brazil x Korea 2019-2021, among others.
He is director of the independent multimedia publishing house Circulator, and has relesased two publications: Redes Culturais na Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) (2019) and Pandemia Cultural – The impact of Covid-19 on the cultural sector of Portuguese-speaking countries (2020). He is an alumnus of the Cultural Relations Platform, a European Commission project that connects cultural professionals worldwide for dialogue, exchange and cooperation, providing expertise for the European Union (EU) in international cultural relations.