Degree (2014) and Master’s (2017) in Sociology from the University of Minho. He is currently a PhD in Cultural Studies and a scholarship holder at the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS). Previously, he worked as a research assistant at the Observatory on Science, Communication and Culture Policies (POLObs) at CECS, supporting projects in the field of cultural policies.

In 2020, he was awarded a grant (ref. 2020.08656.BD) in the National Competition for Doctoral Scholarships, promoted by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, with the project “Crise, memória e média: a identidade europeia no espaço público mediático” (Crisis, memory, and media: European identity in the public media space). This study addresses the circulation of Europe’s visual narratives in media landscapes and tries to analyse how the European Union project is portrayed in its cultural and political dimensions.

His research interests seek to intersect the issues of cultural identities (e.g. national and European), social memory, visual culture, migrations and intercultural communication.

He is a member of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences (Sopcom).

He collaborates in the dynamisation of the Communitas Think Tank and writes for the Margens blog.