Eugénio Calei Lucamba, originally from the Angolan city of Huambo, serves as an assistant professor at the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences, assigned to the Department of Exact and Natural Sciences, Geography sector. He has been a permanent teacher at this institute since 2019, teaching the curricular units of Climatology, Geomorphology, Cartography, and Research Methods of Physical Geography. He has a master’s degree in Geography, specialising in Geographic Information Systems, from the Department of Geography at the ICS-UMinho since 2022.
Eugénio Calei Lucamba is pursuing a PhD in Geography, with specialisation in Physical Geography and Environmental Studies, at the Department of Geography at ICS-UMinho. He is currently a researcher in the areas of Earth Sciences-Physical Geography, particularly focusing on Risk Cartography, Ravines in Tropical Zones, Dynamics of Geomorphological Landscapes, Geodiversity and Angolan Geoheritage, Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing, Geotechnologies in Geography Teaching.