She holds a PhD in Social Communication from the University of Brasilia (UnB, 2018), with a sandwich period at the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (Iseg) of the University of Lisbon, funded by the Capes Doctorate-Sandwich Programme Abroad (PDSE). She is a lecturer on the Social Communication — Publicity and Advertising course at UFC and on the Postgraduate Programme in Communication at UFC. Additionally, she is the editor of EPTIC Magazine. She is the coordinator of Telas — Research Laboratory on Communication Policies, Technology, and Economics. She is also a researcher at Clacso’s GT Economía política de la información, la comunicación y la cultura and the group Comunicação, Economia Política e Sociedade (OBSCOM/CEPOS).

Furthermore, she is pursuing post-doctoral studies in Economics at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), with a research internship at the University of Minho, as part of the project “The economic governance of digital networks: towards an analysis of Internet markets and competition and their impacts on users’ rights”, funded by FAPESP.