Marisa Mourão is a PhD student in communication sciences (University of Minho, Portugal) and a researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho, where she also held a position in science and technology management between 2018 and 2022.

She is a member of the bYou project (bYou – Study of the experiences and expressions of children and young people about the media), coordinator of the Young Researchers Working Group of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences and director of Revista Comunicando. She is also a member of the Observatory of Media, Information, and Literacy and the think tank Communitas, having been directly involved in the conception and development of the latter.

Her main research interests focus on media and citizenship, particularly media education/media literacy and children and media. In addition to these areas, she is interested in science communication.


PhD in Communication Sciences

Project Title: A Literacia Para os Media e a Informação no Contexto Escolar Português: Estudo Sobre Práticas e Políticas (Media and Information Literacy in the Portuguese School Context: A Study on Practices and Policies)

Supervision: Sara Pereira