Patrícia Guiomar is a PhD student in the speciality of Curriculum Development (FCT research grant). Her PhD project is “Management of interpersonal conflicts by Students in Higher Education: contributions of Mediation”, supervised by Professor Ana Maria Carneiro Costa e Silva.

She worked as a research fellow in the European Project LIMEdiat (2020-1-FR01-KA203-079934) (June 2021-January 2023). She completed the non-degree specialisation in Foundations for Scientific Research (2021-2022) at UMinho, Portugal. She completed the Master’s in Education, specialisation area in Educational Mediation (2018-2020) and the Bachelor’s in Education (2015-2018) at the Institute of Education of UMinho.

She works in Social Sciences and Humanities, emphasising Conflict Mediation, Communication and Emotional Education.