Researcher with a scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), at the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS), University of Minho. PhD student in Communication Sciences at the University of Minho, Master in Communication Sciences at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Postgraduate in Communication at the University of Pernambuco and Bachelor in Law at the Faculty of Human Sciences of Pernambuco.

Since 2011, she has worked as a university lecturer. She has taught free courses on digital social networks, communication planning and brand activism. Co-author of the book: From Advertising to Consumption, with chapter 6 entitled Activism as Merchandise: foundations and strategies of brands in the face of contemporary consumerism. Also co-author of the book “New” consumers, “new” markets, with chapter 3 entitled Who is the new man in contemporary advertising? The identity construction of masculinities. Author of the Master’s Dissertation Activism as merchandise: consumerism, advertising and discourses of minorities in Skol campaigns defended in 2018 at the Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil). Participant of the PHINC Research Group (Hybrid Advertising and Consumer Narratives) under the guidance of Rogério Covaleski (UFPE). She has professional experience as Communication Director in advertising agencies in Brazil. Johnson & Johnson and Mondeléz are examples of brands served.