Paulo Gil Martins develops his activity in ISEC Lisbon as Adjunct Professor. He is the Director of the School of Management, Engineering and Aeronautics, a member of the Technical and Scientific Council, the Board of Directors, the Quality Council and the Security and Data Protection Service of ISEC Lisbon. He is also the coordinator of the Civil Protection & Safety Observatory, lecturer of the Professional Technical Course of Civil Protection and Rescue, of the Degree in Civil Protection Engineering and of the Master’s Degree in Risks and Civil Protection, Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Safety against Fire in Buildings and guest lecturer in other Higher Education Institutions.
He holds the Public Title of Specialist in Civil Protection and has a degree in Civil Protection and studies in Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Engineering. He is a National Defence Auditor for the National Defence Institute, Senior Civil Protection and Disaster Communication Temporary Consultant for the World Bank Group and Delegate on the Technical Committee for Disaster Risk Management of the WFEO – World Federation of Engineering Organizations, nominated by the OET. He holds Higher Education Courses in Management and Fighting Forest Fires, Emergency Management, Municipal Civil Protection Management, Fire Safety, and Medical Response to Major Incidents, in the USA, France and Portugal and also the Planning and Decision Making Course at the Institute for Higher Military Studies in Lisbon, among dozens of other specialization courses.
He is Vice-President of the Civil Protection Engineering College of the Order of Technical Engineers (OET) and is also a member of the Fire Safety Specialization Group. He is the Commander of the Estoril Voluntary Fire Brigade’s Roll of Honour and an Independent Consultant on Security, Civil Protection and Emergency Management.
From 1983 to 2011 he was the Regional Firefighter Inspector of Lisbon and Tagus Valley, Deputy Firefighter Inspector, Senior Firefighter Inspector, National Firefighter Inspector and responsible for the respective aid coordination centres, Advisor to the Board of the National Firefighter School, National Relief Operations Coordinator and responsible for the National Relief Operations Centre, National Operational Commander and responsible for the National Operations Centre of the National Civil Protection Authority.
He has several publications in minutes/proceedings of scientific meetings, communications in conferences, posters, publications in books and technical and pedagogical publications. He holds 4 commendations from the Minister of Internal Administration, 2 commendations from the Secretary of State for Civil Protection, 3 commendations from the President of the National Firefighters Service, 1 award from the Secretary of State for Civil Defence of Rio de Janeiro, 1 award from the Civil Government of Santarém and 1 prestige prize. It holds 25 national and foreign decorations. Accredited to handle classified documentation Nato Secret, National Secret and Weu Secret. It has 21 official missions in the EU, Russia, Canada, the United States, Brazil and Chile.