Raimundo Silva worked as an Educational Advisor in High School/Study Acceleration in the Project VIVA EDUCAÇÃO – SEDUC, and the Roberto Maranho Foundation.
He also held the position of technical pedagogical support in the Active School/Camp Education, Maranhão Institute of Education (IEMA), Center for Special Education “Father João Mohana” and as Supervisor of Special Education in the Deputy Secretary of Special Projects other schools. The researcher was a scholarship holder of Scientific Initiation of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), having taught the Discipline Fundamentals and Methods of Geography and History Teaching in the Full Degree in Pedagogy at the State University of Maranhão (UEMA). She develops her professional activity in the Supervision of Educational Modalities and Diversities in the Secretariat of State of Education in São Luís do Maranhão, Brazil.