Rosa Cabecinhas is an Associate Professor with Aggregation at the Institute of Social Sciences, and she got her PhD in Communication Sciences (Psychosociology of Communication) in 2003. She teaches in the areas of Social Psychology and Intercultural Communication.
She has been the coordinator and main researcher of several projects funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and the European Commission. She was vice-chair of the COST network “Social psychological dynamics of historical representations in the enlarged European Union” (2012-2016). She is currently Principal Investigator of the project ” Migrações, media e ativismos em língua portuguesa: decolonizar paisagens mediáticas e imaginar futuros alternativos” (Migrations, media and activisms in Portuguese language: decolonising mediascapes and imagining alternative futures) PTDC/COM-CSS/3121/2021. She has developed interdisciplinary research on social representations, intercultural communication, migrations, social discrimination, diversity and social change. Her works include Preto e Branco: A Naturalização da Discriminação Racial (Black and White: The Naturalization of Racial Discrimination; 2017, 2nd edition), Comunicação Intercultural: Perspectivas, Dilemas e Desafios (Intercultural Communication: Perspectives, Dilemmas and Challenges; with Luís Cunha, 2017, 2nd edition), (In)visibilidades: Imagem e Racismo ((In) visibilities: Image and Racism; with Ana Cristina Pereira and Michelle Sales, 2020) and Abrir os gomos do tempo. Conversations about cinema in Mozambique (Open the buds of time. Conversations about cinema in Mozambique, with Ana Cristina Pereira, 2022).
She was a founding member of Sopcom (Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences) and is a member of IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research) and ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association), and of several national and international associations in the areas of psychology, sociology, cultural studies and education sciences. She was part of the team that founded the Permanent Seminar on Communication and Diversity, which she has coordinated since its foundation. She contributed to founding the Intercultural Communication Working Group of Sopcom, serving as deputy coordinator.