Sara Catarina da Silva is a geographer with a PhD in Human Geography specialising in Geography of Crime from the University of Minho. She has a Master’s degree in Spatial Planning and Management with expertise in Geography of Insecurity and a Bachelor’s degree in Geography and Planning from the University of Minho.

She has been involved in research projects in the area of Tourism since 2015 [Tourism in rural areas and Creative Tourism]. Currently, she is developing a Post-Doctorate within the project “Climate change resilient tourism in protected areas of Northern Portugal” (ClicTour).

She collaborated as a researcher in the “Space and Representation research group (SpaceR)” of the “Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory (Lab2PT)” of the University of Minho between 2015 and 2021.

Her areas of interest are Geography of Crime, Geography of Insecurity, Tourism and Geographic Information Systems.