Tiago Vieira da Silva has a degree in Cinema and Audiovisual from the Artistic School of Porto and a PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of Minho, with the thesis “The Debate of national identity from the April Revolution to the Present, through Portuguese Cinema”.

He teaches the course Cinema and Audiovisual, at the Artistic School of Porto, and is content manager of the Virtual Museum of Lusophony, the current Cultural Unit of the University of Minho, having integrated the international project “Memories, Cultures and Identities: How the past weights on the present day intercultural relations between Mozambique and Portugal” (FCT/Aga Khan, 2018-2022) and the national project “Mapping and Critical Senses of the Photographic Archive of the Company Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (Diamang)” (2020).

He is currently part of the project “MigraMediaActs: Migrations, media and activisms in the Portuguese language: decolonizing media landscapes and imagining alternative futures” (PTDC/COM-CSS/3121/2021). Researcher at the Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo (CEAA/ESAP) and at the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS/UMINHO). He has researched and published on cinema (namely Portuguese cinema) and its relationship with identities and memory.