Luiz Adriano Daminello: new PhD in Cultural Studies

The PhD viva of Luiz Adriano Daminello in Culturais Studies was held on July 17 at 2.30 pm, at Sala de Atos of the Institute of Social Sciences.

The thesis, supervised by Rita Ribeiro and Mário Lima de Matos, is entitled Viagem, Bagagem e Imagem. Uma jornada pelas rotas de mouros e cristãos em festa (Travel, Luggage and Image. A journey through the routes of Moors and Christians in celebration).

The jury, chaired by Helena Sousa, was composed by:

– Rita Maria Gonçalves Ribeiro, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho;

– Luís António Santos, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho;

– Paulo Manuel Ferreira da Cunha, Assistant Professor, Department of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Letters, University of Beira Interior;

– José Maria Gonçalves da Silva Ribeiro, Retired Auxiliary Professor, Universidade Aberta and Researcher at the ID+ Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture;

– Isabel Moreira Macedo, Assistant Researcher, Centre for Communication and Society Studies, University of Minho;

– Denise Carvalho dos Santos Rodrigues, Department of Multimedia, Media and Communication, State University of Campinas – UNICAMP.

[Posted: 20-07-2023]