“Gender as a transversal dimension: a discussion on binary issues” is the theme of the next session promoted by the Observatory for Science, Communication and Culture Policies (PolObs), as part of the project “Culture and Development: cultural projects and the 2030 Agenda” coordinated by PolObs researcher Manuel Gama. The round table will take place on 20 May at 2 pm.
The researcher from the Observatory, Sara Vidal Maia, intends to foster dialogue on gender issues from the perspective of the 2030 Agenda. The session will have the participation of three guests from Brazil with the aim of broadening the reflection from the Brazilian and Portuguese reality.
Sara Vidal Maia has a PhD in Cultural Studies from the Universities of Aveiro and Minho; researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) at UMinho; works in partnership with the Observatory for Science, Communication and Culture Policies (PolObs).
Dani Nunes is a woman, trans, black, living in the west zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Turismologist, a post-graduate student in Administration and Sports Marketing and in Management of Projects and Social Programs. Amateur athlete, human rights defender, anti-racist and LGBTI activist.
Thiago Lopes is CEO of the project Injeção de autoestima, photographer of documentary narratives (ESCOLA DE IMAGEM/RJ), technician in administration (SENAC/RJ); he acted as casting coach in CIa. Teatral “Se liga” and “Kairós”.
Vivian Martins is graduated in Artistic Education with a qualification in theatre; post-graduate in Art Therapy (Instituto Sedes Sapientiae), post-graduate in Computer Applied to Education (USP). She has worked as an art educator and is currently an editor of didactic materials.
The event will be broadcasted via Zoom.