Moisés Martins presented the book “A Senhora de Maio”

The book “A Senhora de Maio. Todas as Perguntas sobre Fátima” was puresented in the Public Library of Braga (Lúcio Craveiro da Silva) on March 6. Organized by António Marujo and Rui Paulo da Cruz (both journalists), “A Senhora de Maio”, which is edited by Temas e Debates/Círculo de Leitores, according to Moisés Martins, who presented the book, confirms Fátima as an ambivalent place. According to the investigator, “For dozens of years Fátima was able to constitute the greatest expression of the Salazarist cloister of the Church, and also of the clerical closure of Salazarism, but today it remains what it has always been: the place of tears of popular devotion and the ‘Altar of the world’, not only of the conservative nation, but also of the Catholic Church. ‘A Senhora de Maio’ undoubtedly helps us to better understand what Portuguese Catholicism was all through the 20th century and, on the other hand, what are the Portuguese”.