Text and photo: Vítor de Sousa
Director: Moisés de Lemos Martins :: Vice-Directors: Luís António Santos and Rita Ribeiro :: Editor: Vítor de Sousa and Ricardina Magalhães
Professor Helena Sousa integrates RTP’s Independent General Council
The Independent General Council (CGI) has co-opted to the body that oversees RTP the full professor Helena Sousa which she is part of the Department of Communication Sciences and president of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Minho, as well as a researcher at CECS, where she leads the Group of Communication, Organizations and Social Dynamics). Among its functions, the CGI defines RTP guidelines for the fulfillment of the public service obligations, appointing the Board of Directors and its strategic project of the company, as well as supervising its continuation in replacement of the guardianship.Researcher at CECS honored by the Municipality of Valongo
The Municipality of Valongo, which closed the celebrations of its 180 years of existence on November 28, decided to honor 79 natural citizens of that county for contributions given in various areas in cultural, associative, socio-educational and sports. The CECS researcher Manuel Pinto, where he coordinates the Research Group on Media and Journalism, was one of them, for his academic career and for studies on the Festa of Bugiada and Mouriscada, which has an investigation project underway at CECS.One-third of all journalists detained in the world are in Turkish prisons
A debate on freedom of expression in Turkey was held on 3 November in the Sala de Atos of the Institute of Social Sciences (University of Minho), in an initiative of Amnesty International’s Braga Center and CECS. Dulce Furtado, Amnesty International’s Press Officer was present in order to talk about the situation of the last two years in Turkey. At the moment, there are 120 journalists detained, more than 2.500 lost their jobs and 156 media outlets were closed.Interview with Luís Cunha
Luís Cunha is an anthropologist, a Lecturer at the University of Minho and a researcher at CECS who integrates the Cultural Studies research group. He has developed his research on social memory, in which the “frontier” constitutes one of the themes that he has approached in this scope. In addition, he has production outside his area of ??research, and has recently won the 11th edition of the National Contest Manuel de Fonseca 2016, with the book, “Vinte Mil Léguas de Palavras” [Twenty Thousand Leagues of Words] that was released on October 21 of 2017, at Santiago do Cacém. The work, which was distinguished by a unanimous decision of the jury, is outside of what Luís Cunha does as an academic and is therefore an exercise he envisages important, since, as he says in this interview, whose answers to the questions were provided by e-mail, “the academic writing is a true corset”.CECS researchers lead four SOPCOM’s Working Groups
Several CECS researchers will continue to lead Working Groups (WG) of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences (SOPCOM). From the elections for the various WGs, held in the framework of the X Congress of the Association, from November 27 to 29, in Viseu, four researchers were elected to coordinate working groups, and two others took on the responsibilities of assistant coordinators. Maria da Luz Correia (University of the Azores/CECS), will coordinate the Visual Culture WG; Elsa Costa e Silva, the Economy and Communication WGPolicies; Silvana Mota-Ribeiro, the Gender and Sexuality WG; and Helena Pires, the Advertising GT. Ana Oliveira (Emerging Scholars WG) and Fábio Ribeiro (Radio and Sound Media WG) will be assistant coordinators. Madalena Oliveira was reelected as vice president of SOPCOM.International Congress “Europe as a space for intercultural dialogue and mediation”
The 2CN-CLab (Cultural Cooperation Networks – Creative Laboratory) held two Talks in Spain. Organized by CECS, within the scope of Manuel Gama's postdoctoral research project entitled "Transnational Cultural Cooperation Networks", which is being developed with the support of FCT, at CECS-UMinho, (Portugal), FCC-USC (Spain) and ECA-USP (Brazil) were co-promoted by the University of Cadiz, on November 8th, and by the Asociación Galega de Profesionais da Xestión Cultural [Galician Association of Cultural Management], November 10th.2CN-CLab Talks passed through Spain
Patrícia Silva, Alice Matos (both from CECS) and Roberto Martinez-Pecino (University of Seville), won a award for the presentation of a poster at an international congress. The poster was presented at the 75th ICP Conference, which took place from 27-30 July this year at Dyson College Center for Global Psychology, at Pace University, New York (USA), which was subordinated to the theme “Psychologys Contribution to People, the Planet, and the World”.CECS researchers award-winning poster on US congress
Paloma Lopez Villafranca, Lecturer at the University of Málaga, where she coordinates Comutopía Radio, was from July 1st to September 15th 2017 at the Communication and Society Research Center at the University of Minho for a research mission on new radio genres. In her research she wants to know, for example, if the tendency in radio is to be less sound and more audiovisual. She points out that radio, socially, can be very important, since it is a medium with many possibilities, from training to education: "In Spain, independent and community radios are emerging, which are very interesting projects". A panorama that, for the moment, does not exist in Portugal.Interview with Paloma Lopez Villafranca
Paloma Lopez Villafranca, docente na Universidade de Málaga, onde coordena a Comutopía Radio, esteve entre 1 de julho e 15 de setembro no CECS para uma missão de investigação sobre novos géneros radiofónicos. Quer saber, por exemplo, se a tendência vai no sentido de a rádio ser mais audiovisual ou menos sonora e refere que a rádio, pode ser muito importante socialmente, já que é um meio com muitas possibilidades, desde a formação, à educação. Refere que, em Espanha, "estão a surgir rádios independentes e comunitárias, que são projetos muito interessantes”. Um panorama que, para já, não existe em Portugal.Discourses and Images of Cultural Tourism: call for papers for Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies is open
Discourses and Images of Cultural Tourism: call for papers for Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies is open It is open until the end of next February, the call for papers for the RLEC-Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies (Vol. 5, nº 2), under the theme: "Discourses and Images of Cultural Tourism", and that will be edited by Zara Pinto-Coelho (CECS-University of Minho, Braga) and Roque Pinto (State University of Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil). The Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies is a peer-reviewed journal that uses a double blind review process. After submission, each paper will be distributed to two reviewers, previously invited to evaluate it, in terms of its academic quality, originality and relevance to the objectives and scope of the theme chosen for the journal’s current issue. Originals must be submitted via the journal's website. The publication date of the journal is December of 2018.Journal issue on Sound and Culture – deadline extended
The deadline for submissions of manuscripts to volume 5 - issue 1 of the Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais/Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies was extended until December 15th. This volume is dedicated to the theme Sound and Culture ("Sound textures: the acoustic side of culture"). The publication, scheduled for June 2018, is coordinated by Madalena Oliveira, Pedro Portela and Eduardo Vicente.CECS books publications and republications
During the III Congress on Cultures - Interfaces of Lusofonia, held from November 25 to 27 at the University of Minho in Braga, it was organized locally by the CECS, with the partnership of the University of Beira Interior (Covilhã) and the University Federal University of Bahia (Brazil), several scientific publications were presented: three were the new books presented and ten the republications.A Internacionalização das Comunidades Lusófonas e Ibero-Americanas de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. O caso das Ciências da Comunicação
The book A Internacionalização das Comunidades Lusófonas e Ibero-Americanas de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. O caso das Ciências da Comunicação [The Internationalization of Lusophone and Ibero-American Communications of Human and Social Sciences is available. The case of Communication Sciences, whose organization belongs to Moisés de Lemos Martins and has the stamp of Edições Húmus/CECS. It arose following the Second Ibero-American Congress of Communication Sciences, held betwin April 13 and 16’2014 at the University of Minho.Cibercultura: Circum-navegações em Redes Transculturais de Conhecimento, Arquivos e Pensamento
The book Cibercultura: Circum-navegações em Redes Transculturais de Conhecimento, Arquivos e Pensamento [Cyberculture: Circum-navigations in Transcultural Networks of Knowledge, Archives and Thought], is coordinated by Helena Pires, Manuel Curado, Fábio Ribeiro and Pedro Andrade, and has the stamp of Edições Húmus/CECS, and arises from the organization of a congress with the same name, held on October 13 and 14, 2016, at the University of Minho (Braga).Da ‘portugalidade’ à lusofonia
The book “Da ‘portugalidade’ à lusofonia” [From ‘portugalidade’ to lusophony], by Vítor de Sousa, published by Edições Húmus/CECS, reproduces much of the research developed in the homonymous doctoral thesis in Communication Sciences (specialty of Intercultural Communication) that he defended, in 2015, at the University of Minho, as well as its main developments and conclusions. With this thesis the author won in 2016 the Mário Quartim Graça Award from the Casa da América Latina [House of Latin America], which was distinguished as the best doctoral thesis, submitted to a competition in Social Sciences, in Portugal and in Latin America.Ebook “”Literacia, Media e Cidadania – Livro de Atas do 4.º Congresso” is now available
The ebook Literacia, Media e Cidadania – Livro de Atas do 4.º Congresso [Literacy, Media and Citizenship – proceedings of the 4th Congress, coordinated by Sara Pereira and Manuel Pinto is available in free access. This book is a set of texts presented at the congress, which took place in May 2017. It also has a chapter of tribute to Professor José Manuel Paquete de Oliveira, which is the third part of the book and is entitled "Never regret being good".The ebook “O Presidente da República em notícia: análise do primeiro ano de Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa em Belém” is now available
The eBook O Presidente da República em notícia: análise do primeiro ano de Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa em Belém [The President of the Republic in the news: Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa’s first year analysis in Belém], organized by Felisbela Lopes, is available in free access. The ebook consists of a set of texts written by the students of the curricular unit of Jornalismo Especializado [Specialized Journalism] of the 2nd Cycle of Communication Sciences of the University of Minho, in which it was intended to study the mediation in the general daily newspapers of which the President of the Republic was targeted during his first term.Inserção Profissional dos Jovens de Braga
The book “Inserção Profissional dos Jovens de Braga” [Professional Insertion of Young People of Braga], by Eduardo Duque (CECS), Cícero Pereira (Federal University of Paraíba) and José Durán Vázquez (University of Vigo) was presented on November 13 at 6:00 p.m. at GNRation, at Braga. This book is born within the framework of Braga 2012: European Capital of Youth, carrying out a study aimed to analyze the employability of young people in the region of Braga. This study, based on a sample of 644 young people living in the city of Braga, was conducted between November and December 2012. The publication has the support of the CECS.Teresa Alves: new PhD in Communication Sciences
The doctoral exams in Communication Sciences by Teresa Costa Alves were held on October 2 (10:00 a.m.), in the ICS (Social Sciences Institute) Sala de Atos of the University of Minho, in Braga. The thesis is supervised by Madalena Oliveira, Senior Lecturer at UMinho’s Communication Sciences Department (Institute of Social Sciences), and investigator at CECS, and Antônio Adami, from Universidade Paulista (UNIP), and is entitled “The sounds of Lusophony: multicultural contexts of public radio service in Portugal and Brazil”. According to the new PhD, Lusophony is "a linguistic landscape that that overviews sounds as different as the countries that are part of it”. Plurality of accents and musical genres rooted to this space by the ocean, reflects a wide range of sound possibilities that can represent Lusophony’s sound mediascape.Debate was intended to demonstrate the importance of the Degree in Civil Protection and Land Management that is ready to start
Organized by the Institute of Social Sciences (ICS) of the University of Minho, in a joint initiative of CEGOT and CECS, a debate was held on November 15 in the ICS entitled: “Crossfire: fire, land management and social responsibility”, and the Degree in Civil Protection and Land Management of UMinho was presented. Adriano Miranda, photojournalist at “Público” newspaper, who was in Pedrógão Grande and was one of the few that has had images of the tragedy since its inception, said that the tragic dimension of Pedrógão was so great that he had never witnessed such a thing, “nor in war scenarios”.